February 7, 2007

Smile — It's a Potato!

Yuzu is Watching
The Office - Season Two
see related

It's a potato — and he's so happy to see you! Some people get creeped out when their food is smiling at them, but not me. I love happy food! And these smiling potatoes from McCain are no exception.

©2007 Yuzu Eats

On the cuteness meter, these potatoes rank high in my book. You can't help but smile when you look at them. Unless, like I mentioned earlier, you're not a fan of smiling food. They're crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, kind of like mashed potatoes. As far as taste is concerned, they taste just as you'd expect — like frozen potatoes. Eaten with ketcup, however, they don't taste too bad.


  1. It looks like those Yuzu icons in your site :D ...always smiling sweet.With that smile, Hello Kitty can step aside now.

  2. Haha! I kind of figured you'd be creeped out by them, Panda. =P

    Tigerfish, they do sort of look like smiling yuzus, don't they?

  3. I think if they were frowning or angry, I would be less likely to eat them. :) But they look pretty excited to be your side dish.

  4. cute. i feel like i've seen them before. :D where did you get em?

  5. Same here, mushroommeadows. Who wants to eat angry food? I say, if my food has a face, it better be smiling!

    Budding Cook, my sister actually brought these home from a restaurant. It was part of a kid's meal that she ordered for my niece. But they sell them in the freezer section at the supermarket. Not all markets have them, though. I've searched several and couldn't find them...but maybe they were just sold out!

  6. Oh my goodness, those are adorable! I remember my sister bought me a cell phone and brought it home in a bag that said, "hello" in really big lettering. For some reason, everytime I saw that bag, I would smile and feel better about myself. If you saw me in sitting in front of my computer right now, you'd see me and a big goofy smile. I just want to hug the computer after seeing those taters!

  7. Aww, that is so sweet, Passionate Eater. Some people don't like it when their food has a face, so I'm glad the happy potatoes made you smile! :) Thanks for the nice comment.
